The goal of our College Counseling Program is to ensure that every graduate of Calverton School secures admission to a baccalaureate granting institution that aligns with their aspirations, equipping them for the responsibilities of adulthood and fostering a lifelong passion for intellectual pursuits. 

With this objective in mind, we dedicate ourselves to assisting each student in determining the ideal type of higher education that suits their unique needs and ambitions, as well as supporting them in gaining admission to their chosen institution.

Our desire is for all Calverton graduates to thrive during their college experience, graduating with a sense of accomplishment and looking back on this transformative period of their lives with immense satisfaction and joy. 

Through our College Counseling Program, we aim to empower our students to pursue their educational journey with confidence and purpose, laying a strong foundation for a fulfilling and rewarding future.

Our College Counseling Contacts

Kate Trott
Kate Trott
College Counselor
410-535-0216 ext 1129